Whether you are living in Paris or just visiting (or maybe planning for a future visit), I suggest incorporating a dose of wellness into your schedule. If you are reading this, you might be thinking about what steps you can take to boost your health and well-being. To start with, let’s take a closer look at the different key areas of wellness. By understanding each of the 8 dimensions of wellness and how they impact your life, you can more easily embark on implementing a holistic approach to your health and well-being. You might find that certain areas are strong but maybe 3-4 need some extra work. Some are easier than others to nourish.
Explaining the 8 dimensions of wellness
The 8 dimensions of wellness are undeniably interconnected, meaning that unless you achieve balance between all the different areas, your health and well-being will suffer.
This is one of the most obvious dimensions, and often the easiest to manage. Fitness, nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, good sleep habits – all these things are key to maintiaing your physical wellness. By making good habits part of your daily routine, you will better protect your body from injury and illness. A healthy also means a healthy mind.
By builidng emotional wellness, you are creating serenity, resilience, and reducing stress. You will better cope with life and feel more contented. If this is something you struggle with, you may need to seek help from a therapist. Otherwise, there are small steps you can take, such as practicing gratitude, living in the present moment, accepting yourself, forgiving yourself, getting good sleep, being mindful, and adopting a positive mindset.
Strong, healthy relationships are key to social wellness. Do you have strong bonds with your family, friends, and community? Are you active in your community? By building loving relationships with your partner and children, you are helping not just yourself, but others too. Treat people with respect, give of your time. Be kind.
Spirituality is such a personal topic. For some it is religion, for others it is spending time in nature. Meditation, self-reflection, being connected to something greater than yourself, living by a set of values/morals. All these are part of spiritual wellness.

Here, we are talking about personal and professional self-development, cultural interests, creativity, continuous learning. Improving your capacities for critical thinking, moral reasoning, and expanding your knowledge and skills. Stretching your brain on a regular basis has been scientifically proven to be good for now and for later, improving cognition, concerntration, and memory.
Occupational wellness refers to workplace wellness, work/life balance, while feeling fulfilled and satisfied in your job. Do you feel that your work is meaningful? Does it give you purpose? It can also apply to your levels of productivity and your efficiency. Wellness intiatives in the workplace have become more widespread as employers recognize that taking care of their workforce is a win-win situation. Happy, healthy employees are more likely to perform better, take fewer sick days, and have lower stress levels.
I’m sure we can all relate to moments of financial stress or debt that have directly impacted our emotional balance and general happiness. It is hard to have a calm mindset when you feel that your finances are out of your control. Often the experience of financial anxiety provokes a person to adopt a new approach to money. This involves making a conscious decision to better manage your money and then taking the first steps. It may take some time, but you have to start somewhere.
This dimension involves making the choice to make your environments healthier. We have different environments where we work, live, and play. Be respectful of these environments. Actively participate to make them safer and healthier. What environmentally-friendly practices can you adopt? How can you improve your comfort and yet, have a positive impact?
“Today is your day to start fresh, to eat right, to train hard, to live healthy, to be proud.”
Bonnie Pfiester
Your wellness self-assessment
Of course, it needs to be said that certain dimensions are more personal than others. While others can advise on how best to strengthen them, only you will really know how to do it best for you. This is where self-awareness and self-assessment comes in to play.
To better understand your needs, answer the questions in this self-assessment tool. It takes you through each of the 8 dimensions of wellness, requiring you to respond honestly to each question. Check your score at the end to see which of the 8 dimensions need the most attention, then start to build your wellness action plan.
Getting started on improving your 8 dimensions of wellness
Now that you have a clearer idea of what areas to focus on, it is time to make a plan. Start by choosing 1-2 areas to focus on. Building new habits is key.
For example, if the questionnaire indicated that your physical wellness is lacking, or at the very least needs improving, spend time researching the health and fitness options available in your area. I can advise you on some of the great places I’ve discovered over the years.
Don’t worry if your French is not perfect, most places will try their best to speak English to you and many are used to having international visitors. I actually know some pilates or yoga studios that are owned by expats. While the vocabulary might take a while to get your head around, follow along as best you can and keep an eye what everyone else is doing.